The Madame’s Bone Oracle Reading 08.14.20

The Madame’s Bone Oracle Reading 08.14.20

The Spirits chose MOON, STRANGE, and EARTH from The Madame’s Bone Oracle this morning.

Today’s message is about exploring our intuition. When I drew the bones this morning, MOON and STRANGE felt like the complete message, but I drew one more bone anyway and realized why. MOON is about intuition, and STRANGE is about exploring that intuition. Many of us get so excited learning and exploring new ways, methods, and means of our intuitive capabilities that we forget to come back to EARTH, so to speak. EARTH today is reminding us that we still have human work to do, and that while our intuition is a wondrous gift, we can’t live in that liminal space betwixt worlds all the time. Our intuitive self and our human self have to work together.  EARTH is a reminder of how important it is, especially now, to utilize grounding techniques to build stability and a solid foundation. When things are chaotic all around us (I’m looking at you 2020!), if our personal energetic boundaries aren’t shored up, some of that chaos can leak in. Chaos is an inhibitor of intuition! Imagine a thousand voices talking to you at once, add in some dogs barking, babies crying, and sirens wailing. Now try to pick one voice out of the crowd, and really pay attention to what that voice is saying. Yeah, good luck with that. Grounding techniques, indicated by EARTH in today’s reading, are immensely helpful for this. Grounding lays the foundation and sets the stage for clear intuitive messages. Finding a technique that works for you is key. It can be as simple as literally sitting on the ground and visualizing roots, or it can be elaborate as you need it to be with crystals and herbs and drums. Doing these exercises BEFORE attempting intuitive work can shake the mundane chaos off, so that you can open clear channels of intuitive communication. Doing these exercises AFTER intuitive work can help you come back down to EARTH to manifest and implement what you learned during that process.

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